common syllableの例文
- CV is the most common syllable type.
- The most common syllables are CV or CVC ( CV : or CV : C ).
- The most common syllable structures for Chimariko are CV and CVC, with the largest possible structures being CCVC or CVCC.
- What is statistically the most common syllable to be stressed in most English words, e . g . the penultimate ? the first syllable ? etc .-- Sonjaaa 12 : 22, 4 June 2006 ( UTC)
- The most common syllable structure used is a two-syllable form, CV : CV ( : ) ( C ) ( C ), with primary stress on the second syllable ( where " C " represents a consonant, " V " represents a vowel, " : " represents vowel length, and items enclosed in parentheses indicate that the position is optionally filled ).