common syllableの例文


  1. CV is the most common syllable type.
  2. The most common syllables are CV or CVC ( CV : or CV : C ).
  3. The most common syllable structures for Chimariko are CV and CVC, with the largest possible structures being CCVC or CVCC.
  4. What is statistically the most common syllable to be stressed in most English words, e . g . the penultimate ? the first syllable ? etc .-- Sonjaaa 12 : 22, 4 June 2006 ( UTC)
  5. The most common syllable structure used is a two-syllable form, CV : CV ( : ) ( C ) ( C ), with primary stress on the second syllable ( where " C " represents a consonant, " V " represents a vowel, " : " represents vowel length, and items enclosed in parentheses indicate that the position is optionally filled ).


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